Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Long time no blog

Well, where can I start?

Two weekends ago was a pretty big series of events, with Friday taken up with my official birthday celebrations at Yak. Lots and lots of people came, and a good time was had by all (well, mainly by me, the rest of you can look after yourselves… :) )
Almost everyone who was invited showed up for a bit of a catch up, some could only make it for a little while and some managed to stay the whole evening, which was great. Managed to see so many people that it wasn't funny, so I'm not going to name them all here, but if you're reading this and were there then thanks for coming, and if you weren't there, then I understand :)
The evening marched onwards, with me getting progressively drunker and drunker. I managed to get quite drunk, without getting as hammered as last year, which was my goals (because that was pretty hammered). Took a few photos (of course) and gave 'Teen the camera for a bit to take some more, which means I actually ended up in a few of them too, which was nice for a change :) Photos can be found here:

drinks all round

Saturday saw a late start to the day due to a large queasy hangover :) Followed by a bout of watching DVDs and lounging around, and some shopping in the city where I bought myself the complete set of Astro Boy on DVD, which I'm sure makes all of you very jealous :) Saturday night was multiple event night, with a stop around Shaz's house for her birthday celebrations "Shazzanats" a bogan festival which was well attended and downright scary :)

Later on that evening Joe and I went and picked up Bec and we went to Room 680 in Hawthorn to see Carl Cox. Already on the scene was Daimo, Cammers and Newey, and we even saw Paul Meeuwsen there as well, which made me smile :) Carl Cox, dubbed by us all "The Big Black Cox" was awesome, a fantastic set that really made us dance like nobody's business, despite the presence of many pretentious people that Room 680 is prone to attract :)

mirror trails

Sunday, being the day of my actual birthday, was actually mostly spent lounging on the couch recovering and fielding phone calls from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday :) I actually got an invite from Vlad at about 11am to go to Big Day Out as he'd bought a ticket for Michelle and she couldn't go as she was too pregnant :) I had to turn him down because I was completely worn out. If I'd have know I probably would have left Room at about 5am instead of 7am :)

It's a good thing I did turn him down actually (although I thought long and hard, and nearly called him back half an hour later) because I ended up having a pretty bad back most of the next week, and spent three days at home trying to recover. So Monday was at work, Tuesday and Wednesday at home, Thursday at work, and Friday at home. But after all that and some help from certain medical practicioners, I was on the mend.

Friday night I met up with Joe and Pommie John down at The London, where they had a couple of beers and I had a couple of soft drinks, being On Call again, and we spent an hour or two perving on the lovely women that frequent that pub :) Thenit was off to the Dover to meet Mick and Steph, which didn't work very well because they were at the Elgin, but these things happen. While we were at the London John told us this story of a friend of his who drinks at the Dover and had once taken his sattelite dish down to the pub, mounted in a cement filled bucket, to be able to watch the cricket while at his favourite pub. We laughed ourselves silly and lo and behold, when we got to the Dover, there is was again:

portable sattelite TV

Saturday was spent with the usual lazy morning, punctuated by a little On Call work. In the afternoon I caught up with Kate and we went to see the movie Closer, which is a very good film indeed, well worth going to see. All four of the lead actors gave great performances (Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Julia Roberts and Clive Owen) and the story was really good, very involving and very realistic.

Saturday evening was spent on a party boat cruising around the harbour for Shazzie D's birthday. All of her crew were there and it was a pretty good night. The food was quite nice (surprisingly) but the DJ was atrocious :) The Cruise itself was pretty cool, especially when we tooled around the docks at night and under the Westgate and Bolte bridges, sicne I have a bridge fetish anyway :) Shaz seemed to have a pretty good time, and was squealing and dancing all night. The cruise was just a *little* bit too long, it started at 7:30pm and finished at 11:00pm and probably could have been half an hour shorter I think, because we were starting to get a bit 'over it' by then. But it was definitely worth doing, even if it wasn't a friends birthday, but you definitely need to have the right bunch of friends around you, because if you're planning to rely on the boat's crew for entertainment you are in trouble :) Also, try to pick a warm night so you can spend more time on the upper deck and foredeck, rather than out the back out of the wind where we stayed :)


Sunday afternoon a bunch of us met up in Fitzroy gardens for some Latin music and some Salsa dancing lessons. Pretty funky music and some interesting dance moves, but it's quite tiring to be up there dancing away to these very specific, and very active moves, with twirls and such, when you could be up on the picninc blanket lounging around and eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Just a few words about Krispy Kreme. This is a brand of doughnut that I had heard about for years in american movies and didn't really pay much attention, but it turns out there is now a store in Sydney near the airport (it even has a drive-thru window, which really makes sense for doughnuts) and Mick brought some back with him from his trip during the week. These are really really really good doughnuts. Even the plain glazed rings, are really really good. If you get the chance, try them. :)