Been a pretty busy week at the house of joy, making for a very slow week on flickr and therefore even slower in the blogsphere. Not that I could get much slower without being arrested for loitering ;)
Socially the week has been pretty good, Tuesday was spent with the illuminating Kate, where we went to see a show as part of the Comedy Festival. We couldn't get tickets to the guys Kate actually wanted to go see, so we ended up seeing The Bedroom Philosopher and he was pretty funny. What I like best about the comedy festival is going to see an obscure comic that I've never really seen or heard of before, and laughing my ass off :) This guy was doing a great 'dork' act, brown suit and all, butby far the funiest moment was him reading out his grade 10 diary, when he thought it was important to provide a ranking system for the hottest girls in his school, tracking them week to week and offering other awards such as "Most Improved" or "Best Face" or my personal favourite "Most overall ability to appear Hot". It was a very funny moment as we joined him laughing at how sad and dorky he was in high school :) It was especially touching when he showed us the week he got a girlfriend and she ranked number 1 with the other top 5 spots marked as "not important" :) it was hilarious.
Thursday night was reserved for the anti-social behaviour of taking photos :)

Wednesday I managed to catch up with Clanga, Vlad and Dutchie at the Napier to help celebrate Vlad and Michelle's new baby boy Isaac (Zach, Issy, etc) and have a general catch up. I think in many ways these guys are my kindred spirits, as they are all so artistic and expressive. Clang and I used to do club visuals together as IT/Multimedia guys with a bit of an eye for an image, and now Vlad has taken up the mantle, having always been a phenomenal graphic designer and stencil artist, so his stuff makes us look like little children :) Dutchie is also a designer, doing graphics and fashion, about to head off around the world for a quick tour of the fashion capitals. We always end up in deep conversations, redesigning the ugliness around us and coming up with crazy and kooky ideas. In the light of day these ideas never hold water, but it's great fun :) For example, one great idea of the night was to line Dutchie's club with mirrors on all the walls, then project Vlad's visuals onto the reflective surfaces from multiple points and angles, allowing it to reflect all around, creating a mad kaleidoscope of silhouettes and imagery. Of course, anyone who has ever actually tried to put sound into a mirrored room would tell you straight away that it's a nightmare, as the reverb and feedback is insanely difficult to deal with. So it'd look phenomenal, but nobody would see it because the cacophony of noise would drive them out!
Friday was a large-scale catchup session, with time at Yak to see Joe, Kathryn, Kate, Pommie John and Mark (fellow flickrite). Then off to BearBrass to catch up with Mick, Steph, Tanya and Katrina. Then Kate, Katrina and I went to a few more bars to try and see what we could find. Not much actually, as most of them were crap or closing, or both! ;) Much fun was had traipsing across the city looking for something interesting, chatting with Kate and Katrina, but the original plan of Kate and I hanging out and chatitng it up and dancing up a storm all night didn't eventuate, so we'll probably have to try it next week. :)
Saturday was wasted at work. Ten hours of my life spent doing a three hour job, so that's seven hours down the gurgler :)