clone wars?
Originally uploaded by Scootie.
It's been a real week of movie madness, with a viewing of Revenge of the Sith with Georgie on Thursday, and another viewing with Eleanor and Richard at Gold Class on Sunday, then on Monday I went to see a double feature at the Astor with Kathryn, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club. Kathryn hadn't seen either movie, and by the sounds of the audience, that was a pretty common theme. Kinda freaked me out a bit, because the concept of not having seen these movies is something that just never occurred to me :)
As for Star Wars, I guess everyone who was gagging to see it has seen it now so I can give a mini review.
I liked it a lot, but then again it's a Star Wars movie :)
There were a lot of really cool things in it, like the development of the spacecraft and other vehicles to start looking more like the stuff we've seen in episodes 4-6, so you see a progression of the technology. The CLone uniforms start to take on more of a Stormtrooper look too, which I liked. I felt that some of the dialogue could have been a bit better, but there are no complaints about the fight scenes or any of the big action sequences.
I would have liked to have seen more about Anakin turning to the dark side, as there was only a hint of his justifications, although the expression on his face when he pledged his allegiance to Sidious was very tormented. I would have prefered a little more divulgence, especially in the scene where Sidious nearly gets killed, I'd have liked to have seen more argument before Anakin just decides to attack in his defence.
But overall, a damn fine movie, even if they did chop off everyone's arms :)