Originally uploaded by Scootie.
Well, another very busy weekend to put a bit of a cap on a rather leisurely week. Friday saw a return to Yak for a few quick beverages and to catch up with the regular crew. Had some drinks with Joe, Kathryn, Bec and Pommie John especially before retiring relatively early due to drunkenness. Kathryn had already invited me around to her new flat to check it out and to see her new widescreen LCD TV, which was very nice, so nice in fact that I ended up crashing there as we stayed up too late watching TV. Saturday morning was spent sleeping in and coming up with excuses not to get up and go home, excuses such as watching DVDs and more TV. :)

Originally uploaded by Scootie.
Saturday afternoon it was off to the Retreat Hotel in Brunswick for another episode of aLive. This is fast becoming a traditional day getting very drunk in the ber garden and laughing ourselves silly at the antics of ourselves and our comrades, there's a core group of people from inthemix who go there and they are a very funny bunch of people. The best thing about the aLive gig is that it's all live tech/electro/minimal, so it's local djs/engineers/musicians creating stuff on the spot to a very appreciative audience. It's good to see local guys and girls just creating good music on the spot, using all sorts of crazy gear like old analog synths, laptops, musical instruments like trumpets and clarinets, and lots of hammering on the keyboards :)
After aLive we headed into Honkytonks to listen to some more tech laid down by some very good Melbourne DJs, Mark Callendar and Mathew Jonson. Not that I managed to stay awake long enough to see Mathew Jonson, I was pretty tired and ended up going home at about 3am :)

Originally uploaded by Scootie.
Sunday was another long day, where I headed over to The Flying Duck in Prahran for Lee and Matt's engagement party. I expected to only be there for a little while, but ended up staying until the end and having quite a good time catching up with some mutual friends I hadn't seen in a while. It was quite a nice afternoon, and the beer garden at The Flying Duck was excellent, although there was a group of hairdressers nearby having a "truth session" where they basically bitched and fought with each other all afternoon. A couple of the guys from our group mingled with theirs and apparently they have this session regularly to avoid all these issues festering in the background, so anyone can get said what they want to say without it being held against them outside of the session. It all sounded very civilized once it had been explained, but I don't know if it actually works out that way in reality. It was pretty funny to watch, especially when our friends were clearly starting to go crazy with having to put up with it :)
Monday, the last day of my holiday, was also a nice clear sunny day, so I met Katrina in the city for a few drinks after her exam to help her celebrate the end of her studying for the year, then wandered around to try and take some photos, but nothing really took my fancy, and then Mick, Steph, Katrina and I had dinner at The Elgin and consumed a few more beers. Altogether it was a very beery day, and a good end to my holidays :)