The Bedroom Philosopher
Originally uploaded by Scootie.
If you haven't been to a show by The Bedroom Philosopher, then you're just weird. there. I said it.
Kate and I actually kinda saw him last year at The Comedy Festival by accident, in that we wanted to see someone else and they were all booked up and so we went to see him and it was extremely funny. So this year we went to see him on purpose as part of his "I'm so postmodern" tour. He was supported by a few other acts, including a very good gypsy jazz band called "Martin Martini & The Bone Palace Orchestra". These guys were very good, although a little dishevelled, but you get that sometimes :)
Justin Heazlewood himself was, as previously discovered, piss funny, and the incandescent Kate was of course, delightful as always (I have to suck up, she reads this you know) (although it's true) (not more sucking up, I promise)
Anyhoo, it was lots of fun and a barrel of laffs and a good time was had by all, including me.