Monday, August 01, 2005

late shift week

Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Last week was fairly low key, having been on late shift all week, which usually makes me a bit slow around midday and cranky all week, at work anyway. One benefit is that come 8pm, I'm wide awake and ready to go, with enough energy to be out and about for a few hours easily. This has of course lead me to do a couple of night photo runs, walking around the city looking for shots and generally just wandering about. I finally managed to get some shots of the flames at Crown Casino that I'm happy with, and generally just made a nuisance of myself around town, looking like a tourist and taking photos of things that normal people don't take photos of. :)

A lot of time was spent in the rest of the week doing some html coding for the Flicky Awards for Excellence in Photography on Flickr (of course)

Friday night started out fairly normal, with the usual plans to only have a few drinks, not have too large an evening, etc. It began with meeting Joe and Steph down at Yak for a few drinks after I finished at 8pm. It was good to catch up with the both of them, as Joe has been on convalescent leave after his ear operation two weeks ago, and I don't see Steph as much as I used to, since she used to be my flatmate :) We had a few drinks and a bit of the usual chat and laughter, although the crowd at Yak was quite loud, and managed to get all caught up. Then it was off to Pheonix to see Kate and as it turns out to partially rescue her from an ex who was making eyes at her, another guy flirting with her, and a girl who was after the ex making a point of ignoring her :) So we breezed in and they left and we all had a bit of a laugh about it :)

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