Monday, September 12, 2005

Another Friday passes

Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Yet another friday, passed into oblivion this week, as all time goes once it's been used, it's destroyed, forged into the ashtrays of the future, or whatever happens to time when it's used up.

The day turned into an amusing end, with a little more time spent at Yak and Lustre with some of the usual crew. The original intent of the evening was to spend more time with Peta and Clare, as we hadn't really caught up in previous weeks, merely been at the same places, so Lustre was designated as the official meet point, with intention of heading to The Lounge or to Loop later on. But, as Robert Burns wrote, The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley, and we actually started out at Yak. There were various reasons to do with the timing that Clare finished work, and the need to meet Mick and Steph and 'Teen in a place easy for them to find, and so we started at the usual, where we were joined by Clare, Peta, Mick, Steph, Mudguts (from Flickr), and more than one or two alcoholic beverages.

We moved on down to Lustre at about 6pm, and who should we run into down there but Felicite and Sarah, almost like a mini copy of the previous week at Lustre :)
So we settled in for a few more drinks, and were joined over time by Erin, Stuart (Flickr), Dean (had been working late) and some friends of Clare and Peta's. After a few hours the crew started to break up and go their separate ways, so Joe, Mudguts and I eventually headed over to De Biers for a few minutes to say goodbye to the girls. It was very hard to maintain to Mudguts the concept that we hardly ever go there when we greeted by one of the barmaids like long-lost friends (she used to work at Yak), and also happen to be up on the photo wall of fame (the manager and Joe went to high school together), so I don't really think he believed us :)

On the way home I did the usual drunken stop at Macca's, made more difficult by the occasional spouts of torrential rain from the severe thunderstorm we were in the middle of, and while walking back home I spied Mick, Steph and 'Teen over in The Bridge having a drink. I popped in for a quick pot and then went home and managed to get some very nice lightning shots off the balcony.

The funny thing was that with all the people that ended up showing up, we didn't really get much chance to catch up with Peta and Clare :) oh well, maybe next time.

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