Originally uploaded by Scootie.
Well, I'm back at work this week, and manage to get the late shift for my first week back.
It's annoying having to work until 9pm, but at least it gives me the opportunity to wander the streets at night looking for nice shots.
Man talk about having to pass a rigirous blogger security screening to leave a post, you would think i was leaving a message for the president or something! I've been waiting for you to post something new so i can comment with some wittingly funny sarcastic response that one would only expect from me, but no new posts and i just can't come up with any good material about going back to work, i am disappointed Scootie, very very disappointed.
well, I can't have just any rif-raff leaving comments can I? that's why there's a basic literacy test, I'm surprise you managed to pass it, being from NZ and all :)
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