Sunday, February 05, 2006

Alive Alive-o

twice as fun, for twice as long
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Well, another month another episode of Alive.

This one had the usual mix of great music, crazy shenanigans and meeting new people. The music a these gigs just keeps getting better and better, I think every Alive I've been too has had better music than the last, usually from the same artists just pushing and pushing even more, and this was no exception. I don't think there was one moment all afternoon when I wasn't moving to the music, and some points when all conversation stops and everyone looks over to the 'dj' area in awe. (not that they are actually playing records, so not really DJing). The shenanigans were up to scratch, with Becy getting her book of stupid pick-up lines back off Ryan, Sally modelling a plaque stating "twice as fun, for twice as long" on her chest, and Ryans girlfriend Liz showing that she can actually touch underneath her chin with her tongue. The new people met this time were two of Sally's friends who were actually at Rainbow, we just didn't see them, some mates of Becy's from Sydney and Ryan's girlfriend Liz. Just a fantastic time as always.

The next alive is being held in conjunction with the Screw Crew and will be held on a boat, can't wait for that one. :)

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