Sunday, July 30, 2006

Morbid Thoughts

Agnes Cecilia
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Kerryn and I wandered about Melbourne cemetery today to see what shots we could come up with.
Wandering a cemetery makes you think about tombstones, and how some types fade over time and some don't. At first I thought I would want one of the types that stayed visible for over a hundred years, but then again, does my ego go that far? do I really need my tombstone to outlast my children? outlast their children? At first I pitied Agnes Cecilia, whose tombstone is picture above, but after thinking more on it, I think i'll join her. If my name is to live on beyond my lifetime, i'd prefer it to be for my deeds, not my death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet this is the most thought provoking Agnes has caused in sometime. I think she would be happy. :)