Saturday, November 25, 2006

Earthcore 2006

Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Earthcore again and this time we did it in style, having hired a 6-berth camper van. I don't thin kI can go back to camping after that little experience. There's something to be said for having a decent bed, for not having to do very much setup when you arrive, and for always having a cool shady spot to go and have a sit-down. It was also useful to be able to keep my batteries for the camera charged and ready to go, so I basically didn't have to worry about running out.
The event itself was fantastic. We had VIP access and also I had backstage access to shoot it (thanks Spiro!) so I managed to get a heap of really good shots, and just had a blast as per usual. It was also really cool to see so many people I knew up on stage. Big props go to Bubble and Squeak (Ehsan and Evan) who played the main stage and who absolutely blew it away. These guys have always been good, but that was the best performance i have seen from them, truly worthy of their international status.

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