Monday, January 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Once again new years day was spent at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl for summadayze. Now this event usually comes under a lot of criticism, but I think too many people expect too much from it. It's just a really big party.
The people who come along and expect to hear the latest and 'coolest' music will be disappointed, because frankly, those tracks don't play well to 24,000 people. What does play well are the big and beefy popular hits that you can hear on every dance floor all over town, the tracks that we've all heard before, but still can bring a smile to your face, and when you get that happening with twenty thousand people, it can be pretty special.
Of course there's the usual amount of idiots and wankers, but there's also a large number of good people and that's worth it for me.

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