Friday, August 27, 2004


Be warned: I'm shitty at keeping in touch with my friends :)
In the last week I've had two people concerned that I didn't exist anymore, and that's not the first time.
I have a tendency to be very passive in keeping in contact with my friends, usually being so lazy that I wait for them to make contact with me. I know it's terrible, and I try not to do it, but I keep falling back into the same behavious pattern again and again.
Which means I spend a lot of time explaining to my friends that I still care about them and that they haven't done anything wrong and that, as cliched as it is, it's not them it's me.
So be warned, that as a friend I am very likely to be bad at keeping in touch with you, but also be aware, that when you do contact me, I'll be as supportive as I can be, regardless of having spoken to you yesterday or 3 years ago. :)

that's all for now

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