Sunday, August 29, 2004


Went to see The Impressionists at NGV with Kate yesterday. Very good, recommend it to anyone. It's quite a feeling to see so much talent and vision packed into one set of rooms, works created by some of the greatest, some of them simply breathtaking. When you stand across the room from a painting so life-like and yet not anywhere near as detailed as a photograph, and you eye and perception fills in all the details you need to the point where you are transported to the location and time of the piece, it's really something special. And then whan you consider the artist created it sititng a dozen inches from the canvas, by daubing little pieces of paint on there seemingly at random, or so it appears when you stand that close to it, it's very humbling.
And of course Kate (the Incandescent Kate) is one of the better people to go to something like that, which is especially handy sicne she got the free tickets, not me :)
I am very happy that I am friends with Kate, and yesterday was a very good example of why :)
We also went to see a very cool film called Before Sunset, the sequel to Before Sunrise that I haven't seen, also Kate's suggestion, and also free.
That Kate's pretty good, I tell you ;)

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