Monday, April 04, 2005

movie madness and sexy becsie

Movie Watch: went to see Hotel Rwanda with Kate and her mum. Pretty good movie. Obviously it's a bit of a tear jerker, but not as many scenes of horrendous violent as I thought it might have. It was quite interesting to see how the main subject was treated, most of the message was carried by the reaction of the main characters, rather than simply showing what they were scared of. It was a very effective technique that also allowed them to show more fear and less gore. Kate's mum is cool, but then so is Kate, so that's to be expected :)

Also saw The Pacifier with Vin Diesel. Not too bad. A bit predictable in some ways, but still managed to draw a few laughs. Not quite in the same league as Hotel Rwanda, but it was never meant to be.
Recent DVD Viewing includes Donnie Darko, Twin Town, Pushing Tin, Broadcast News, Even Cowgirls get the Blues, and I'm currently watching Judge Dredd on TV. I know it's a bad movie, but it's a pretty good bad movie ;)

I think I'll always be a big movie fan. I can happily go see two movies a week and watch a few DVDs and still miss out on some good stuff. There are so many good movies out there it's just not possible to see everything that's worth seeing.

I'm having the same problem with Flickr at the moment, too many really really good photographers and I'me having trouble doing justice to their streams. My preference is to view each photo in its full page, stepping through each in turn, commenting as required. It's taking up a lot of my time and making me spend a lot of time looking at great photos and talking to friends. oh wait. that's a good thing! :)

pretty good weekend so far, started on Friday with a trip out to Point Cook for a friends Bucks turn. Photos will probably not be posted on Flickr ;) I'm sure you understand, and to be honest, I don't know if you want to see them. Point Cook is a funny place. It's one of those housing estates, but not for entry level housing, for the people who have enough to buy a small house closer to the city, but want something larger to raise a family in. As such there's a lot of really nice houses and heaps of families, just not much else in the way of social life.

Saturday night was spent around at Bec's place for her birthday party. Pretty good party, but then Bec is a pretty cool chic, so that's kind of to be expected. There were a few 'gate crashers' who were actually friends of a friend of Bec's flatmate, but it was still funny because they were a little paranoid about being there uninvited, but they were a good bunch of people, full of interesting conversations, so they were very welcome :) The party continued on a bit later at a nearby club, but I had to go home about 1am as I was very tired from the night before.

the cakeman cometh

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