Tuesday, November 01, 2005

friendship 8

Amber brings some laughter down from Sydney
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

This weekend was a large scale catchup involving six distinct circles of friends :) There was the Friday night dinner with Lee/Clare/Kylie/Matt, followed by some drinks and dancing with Kathryn/Amber/Jarrod/Matt, Saturday started with some Flickr related fun with Joe/Colin/Mitch which then segued into some Joe/Steph/Mick/Usha/David fun, then some Joe/Dean/Felicite shenanigans, then Sunday saw a little Joe/Mick/Steph/Katrina/Dan/Cath BBQ at Mick & Steph's place, then Monday night was some Joe/Trudy/Helen/Rose related drinking for Trudy's Hens night followed later by aJoe/Kathryn/Mudgutz/Usha/David dancing spectacular at the John Digweed gig. No wonder I was too tired for a Colin/Gavin/Stuart catchup on Tuesday night :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Quote Scootie sms "Yeah. That digweed is a ducking genius :)"