Friday, April 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Friday evening was another work social club function down at the boatsheds by the yarra, another night of drunken accountants and trying to enjoy stubbies of VB. Joy :)
Actually it wasn't too bad, since we don't really talk to the accountants much and just hang out in our little clique and laugh at them :)
After the social club Joe, Bec and I headed up to the John Curtin Hotel to check out Risque. It was a pretty good night, with a mix of tech and electro from some guys I hadn't heard before. Met the promoter and hung out a bit with some of the crew and then headed off. The John Curtin is shaping up to be a pretty good location, and i look forward to seeing more events there.

1 comment:

... said...

Greetings from Estonia!
It's all. :-)