Tuesday, July 19, 2005

big fish, little fish

upside down jelly
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Saturday was made special by a trip to the Melbourne Aquarium. I had been looking out for something to go that would make a good photo opportunity and realised (after seeing Kathryn's shots of diving with the sharks) that the Aquarium was well suited, since it was in out of the rain and might work well with my handy-dandy 50mm lens. I had been there before ages ago and was disappointed by how hard it seemed for friends to get good photos, as the light is too low and I wasn't interested in using the flash, unlike the hordes of tourists trying their luck and wondering why they have a big white spot in the middle of all their pictures :)
If you haven't been to the aquarium I suggest you give it a go, it's pretty cool, and has some really creepy little creatures :)

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