Saturday, July 02, 2005


isles of glass
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

been spending a bit of time up on the Rialto observation deck this week, taking photos of course. So far I've managed to get a few very good shots up there, including some time in the fog, waiting for it to clear.
It really is a beautiful place, especially at night, with the lights of the city and suburbs. There's something quite magical, when standing up there on a crisp clear night, looking out, watching the suburbs sparkle a little, looking over to the port and seeing literally hundreds of flashing blue, red and yellow lights with no detail of what they are attached to. Looking down at the cars and trains moving around nearby, and out at the streams of lights making up freeways and major roads.
Go there at night, they're open until 10pm most nights, 11pm Friday and Saturday. Take a date, wear warm clothes, go on the cold nights so there's hardly anyone there :)

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