Sunday, October 02, 2005


s2art stage #1
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Today was another Flickr Meetup for members of the Melbourne Flickr Group, meeting at what we've dubbed our unofficial home, Transport at Federation square.

It was a good day to be sitting around drinking and chatting and taking photos, and I managed to catch up with the guys and meet a few more of the flickr crew. They're a pretty good bunch of people and we usually have a good laugh.
There was a funny moment when some girls sitting near us seemed to take up a little 'camera fever' after we'd been all snapping away and they started taking photos of each other with their mobile phones, only to look up and realise that 4 photographers had joined them and took a photo of the pair, which made them laugh :) The funny part was that one of them was a photographer as well and had her own flickr account :) small world, she made it to the flickr meetup and didn't even know it ;)

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