Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Beautiful one day, pissing down the next

So yesterday, great day, very warm, very nice. Spent the evening sitting in Time Out at Fed Square, drinking beer, watching the world go by and listening to the 'Singing in the Square' which was basically Karaoke for large crowds.

Imagine trying to enjoy your conversation and beer when there's a guy on stage 100m from you leading a few hundred people in a round of Advance Australia Fair or INXS' Original Sin and you can imagine our evening :) It was pretty funny actually, listening to individuals singled out for a solo trying to sing well, and not really being able to. I know I can't sing well, so I save my Karaoke for late in the evening when you know everyone is very drunk :)

A very good night indeed, mainly just Joe and I sitting there and surreptitiously perving on all the attractive women walking past :) Not to mention a few sitting nearby ;)
I'm not sure if you know, but it turns out that there are a LOT of really attractive women in Melbourne, and they all like to come out on a warm evening. :) It's good, it's very good.

Then today we had a Melbourne classic, a very wet and rainy day to follow a hot day. Just to cool everything down and let everyone know that it's not time for the 'summer configuration' outfits yet, no shorts and dollar-ninety-eights, although the $1.98's seemed prevalent during winter anyways :) What's the fascination with the old thong? where are the studies showing how bad they are for your posture? I remember being told as a kid that I couldn't wear my thongs all summer because they are bad for you, nobody's telling the fashionistas this, that's for sure.

Although I'm glad to see that the $1.98's are in fact available for $1.98, assuming you're willing to go all the way to Coles and not just walk next door to the surf shop and buy their cheapest $15's, like Mick in Echuca. I mean really, a surf shop in Echuca, you know something's not quite right :) (yes I know it's surf wake and ski, and sells waterskiing gear and surfwear, but it's funnier my way, believe me)

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