Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bec and Deepdish

toto and the cardinal
Originally uploaded by Scootie.

Saturday night I went to see Starwars again with Mick and Steph, and then we met Katrina and Tanya for dinner at Penange Coffee House, where everyone had Laksa Lemak except me. Apparently it's the best in Melbourne, so if you like that, check it out, it's on Burwood Rd near Swinburne.

Later on we went over to Bec's new house in St Kilda, just behind the Prince of Wales. We had a fun night, me, Joe, Steph, Bec, Lorna, Felicite and Dean, sitting in her new loungeroom just talking crap as per usual :) They're such a good crew, I'm a very lucky person to have so many good friends, pretty much everyone I hang out with is a really special person.

Later that night Joe and I went to see Deepdish at the Metro. The music was fantastic and we thorougly enjoyed ourselves.

Dance parties can be very high in serendipity, lots of times a random piece of luck occurs that shouldn't normally happen. There also seems to be habits that we form when we're out at these parties, so we end up dancing in the same sorts of locations all the time, we don't conciously end up up the front, or off to the right, or whatever, but somehow manage to end up in a similar location for particular types of music.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. One the left we have Toto (I'll explain the nickname later). Now we haven't seen toto in a while, over a year I think. An we didn't know he was going to this particular gig. But we used to go out on the same crew years ago, so we have the same dance patterns, the same feel for where to be on the dance floor. So in the middle of the gig, in a crowd of a thousand or so, I turn around and Toto is dancing behind us. He hadn't noticed us before, it's just where we ended up and where he ended up. I know it just sounds like a coincidence, but it has happenned many many times. In fact one of our friends, Doddsy, went through a stage for a dozen or so gigs where he always just stumbled over us :)

Toto is so named because he plays soccer at a local club, as does his older brother. His older brother used to wear red soccer boots and got the nickname Dorothy, so when his younger brother started playing at the same club...

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